Centre for Southeast Asian
and Pacific Studies, Sri. Venkateswara University
International Conference on Multilateral
Cooperation: Emerging Global Scenario.
address by former Ambassador of India, T.P.Sreenivasan at the Sri Venkateswara
University, Tirupati. February 22, 2016)
M.Bhaskar, Rector of the University,
Ajaneesh Kumar, ICWA,
Ngo Xuan Binh,
few days ago, I received three unexpected offers from the Sri.Venkateswara
University. The first was a captive audience for a lecture on multilateralism. For
a person, who has spent several years at the United Nations and its agencies,
an invitation to speak on multilateralism was attractive enough. The second was
an offer of an ISAPS Lifetime Achievement Award for International
Understanding, an exceptional honour. The third was a special darshan of Lord
Venkateswara, the most irresistible offer of all. No wonder I accepted the
offers wholeheartedly. I am grateful to the Sri Venkateswara University,
particularly Prof. G.J Reddy, for the opportunity. My time at the UN between
1980 and 2004 witnessed several shifts and turns in the fortunes of the United
Nations, not to speak of the periods before and after in the seventy years of
its existence. But multilateralism is alive and well, unchanged in form, but
altered in substance.
pyrrhic victory of the allies in the Second World War inevitably led to a
collective security system to rid the succeeding generations of the scourge of
war. Care was taken to include economic, social and human rights concerns in
the Charter of the United Nations. But the victors of the war shaped the world
body in the belief that they would be the arbiters of global security forever and
gave themselves the veto, which diluted the principle of sovereign equality and
democracy. In the last seventy years, however, every independent nation
subscribed to the Charter and made the UN the only universal international
organization. It survived the game changing developments in the world and
proved itself resilient enough even though the rigidity of the Charter
perpetuated some anachronisms. The success of the UN was on account of its
ability to change with the times on substance, though not in structures and
assumed new forms and roles in the crucible of the cold war. The unanimity of
the permanent members, envisaged in the Charter, collapsed earlier than
expected and the big powers did not surrender even a fraction of their
sovereignty for the sake of the global good. Instead, they began to use
multilateral organizations like the UN, the World Bank and the IMF as instruments
to influence global affairs. For the rest, they pursued bilateralism to secure
their core interests. Multilateralism became the privilege of the weak, first
to protect their sovereignty and then for collective bargaining. But the global
situation was such that the UN was able to harvest the low-hanging fruits in
the areas of decolonization, development and disarmament and thus proved worthy
of the faith placed in it by the international community.
cold war, however, did not allow multilateralism to succeed in its primary
purpose of safeguarding international peace and security and while “mutually
assured destruction” prevented a nuclear confrontation, many wars were fought
in the developing world as the Security Council chose to be a mere witness. The
growth of the Nonaligned Movement into a virtual third force in international
relations was the most significant development in this period. Though it was
only a movement and not an organization, it developed organizational structures
like a Coordinating Bureau, Ministerial Meetings and Summits. Given its
composition with Singapore at one end of the ideological spectrum and Cuba at
the other, its pronouncements were balanced except on fundamental issues like
imperialism, colonialism, apartheid and Palestine. The western world dismissed
it as extremist and irrelevant, while the easterners claimed to be its natural
allies as their views coincided with the views of the Movement. As leaders of
the Movement, countries like India, Yougoslavia, Algeria and Cuba gained some
bilateral advantages because of their multilateral influence. The Soviet Union
cultivated these countries bilaterally to gain multilateral support.
collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war transformed
multilateralism beyond recognition. Multilateralism became the corner stone of
international relations. There was a spring in the air at the UN, which
encouraged the Secretary General, Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali to bring about thorough
changes in the role of the UN in maintaining international peace and security. In
his ‘Agenda for Peace’, he called for a stronger UN and a stronger Secretary
General to deal with threats to international peace and security by emphasizing
the need for every member nation to surrender some of its sovereignty to the
UN. He brought disarmament into the purview of the Security Council by holding
a Council Meeting at the level of heads of state on the subject. He also called
for a standing army for the UN to speed up peace operations.
of the proposals of the Secretary General gained traction in a yearlong
discussion, though the General Assembly was polite to him by taking back with
the left hand, what it gave him with the right. He was accused of acting like a
Pharaoh and harboring ambitions to be a General, not a Secretary General. Some
marginal changes were made, but nothing major to alter the role of the UN. The
Secretary General was also asked to present an ‘Agenda for Development’,
essentially to balance the security role of the United Nations with its
developmental agenda.
diplomacy, however, kept evolving in the post cold war era in multiple ways.
The Nonaligned Movement lost its cutting edge and the concerned countries
professed strategic autonomy, but sought cooperation with the remaining Super
Power. Dr.Manmohan Singh characterized the new trend in multilateralism as
“Cooperative Pluralism”. The dimensions of international security multiplied
after the attacks of 9/11, when the world’s most powerful nation was brought to
its knees without guns and bombs. Counter terrorism, nuclear security and
safety, human rights and environmental protection became the focus of
multilateral attention. Confrontation gave way to cooperation, though the
powerful nations continued to force their way in each of these issues as
collective bargaining became increasingly ineffective. A Comprehensive
Convention on Terrorism demanded by India and others did not become a reality,
despite the horror of 9/11. Nonproliferation concerns are still considered more
important than nuclear security and safety, human rights remain politicized and
common but differentiated responsibility has been turned into common
responsibility in matters of the
Bilateral pressures are brought to bear upon multilateral cooperation.
arrangements were envisaged in the Charter, but multilateralism has become more
pronounced regionally in recent years. Apart from geographic regions,
similarities in history and state of development began to play a role in
forging multilateral bodies as in the case of BRICS and IBSA. An American
economist invented BRICS as countries with common characteristics, but it
turned into a grouping to counter western economic domination. The BRICS bank
has assumed extraordinary importance in reordering the world order, though
Chinese domination is inescapable in the present dispensation. Regional
groupings have their own dynamics as bilateral relations among neighbours
impinge on multilateral cooperation as seen in the case of SAARC. Even the
established regional organisations like the European Union fear ‘Brixit’ and
‘Grexit’ occasionally despite the imperatives of cooperation.
has invented an altogether new form of multilateral cooperation through its
multi-billion dollar One Belt One Road initiative, which will link nations in
an unprecedented manner. Needless to say, the motivation is Chinese domination
and control of pathways and waterways across continents, but its advantages
will lure many countries to embrace it. Rival multilateral structures are also
emerging in the Asia Pacific as the power centre shifts from the Atlantic to
the Pacific.
of multilateral organizations is essential for their very existence even if
they have managed differences by innovative approaches. Voices began to be
heard to abolish the veto in the UN Security Council right from the beginning.
The World Bank and the IMF fought reform proposals tooth and nail. Then came
the demand for an expansion of the Security Council, first in 1979 to maintain
the proportion between the membership of the General Assembly and the Security
Council. After the end of the cold war, demand arose also to increase the
number of permanent members to reflect the reality of the global situation.
Many proposals for expansion of the Security Council have been advanced and
discussed over the years, but there is no proposal today, which can command two
thirds majority of the General Assembly and the positive votes of the five
permanent members, though the idea of an expansion of the Security Council has
been widely accepted. The credibility of the Security Council as representing
the entire membership of the UN has eroded and unless an expansion takes place,
the UN itself will be marginalized and other multilateral organizations will
fill the void. G-8, G-20 and NATO are dealing with multiple issues, which
should fall legitimately in the lap of the United Nations. A day may come when “Coalitions
of the Willing” will take over many multilateral responsibilities.
has been an unflinching champion of multilateralism, particularly the UN. In
the initial years of independence, India had a high profile role in
disarmament, decolonization and development, but it diminished as we took on
the “Third World” leadership through the Nonaligned Movement during the cold
war. India took the Jammu and Kashmir issue to the UN on the principle that the
world body should settle disputes by peaceful means, even though it had the
capability to repel the aggressor from the part of Kashmir that Pakistan had
occupied by force. But it was frustrated by the play of international intrigues
in the Security Council and realized its mistake. India learnt the hard way
that multilateral bodies tended to complicate issues rather than resolve them
on the basis of justice.
approach to multilateralism has been to contribute to the common good rather
than to seek for itself any advantages from the UN and other bodies. India
became nervous about the internationalization of the Kashmir issue and
refrained from taking any issue to the Security Council on the plea that
neighbours should deal with issues bilaterally rather than multilaterally.
India resisted the formation of SAARC for the same reasons and insisted that
bilateral disputes should not be taken up in multilateral forums. Plagued by
the problems between India and Pakistan, SAARC remains ineffective as a
multilateral regional forum. Bilateral issues inhibit its growth as an
instrument of multilateral cooperation.
has begun to modernize its multilateralism in recent years. Having consolidated
bilateral relations with the important countries of the world, India has begun
to demand its due share in multilateralism such as permanent membership of the
Security Council and membership of APEC. India has also ceased to be a deal
breaker in many negotiations and become a partner in multilateral decision-making
in areas such as climate change, WTO, internet governance, challenges to
sustainable development and reforming peace keeping. It was through a bilateral
deal with the US that India returned to the mainstream nuclear group even
without signing the NPT. India is now more pro-active in multilateral arenas
because of the new confidence it has acquired. India has begun to demand permanent
membership of the UN Security Council as a matter of right rather than a mere
every nation juggles with the bilateral and multilateral options to safeguard
its interests. Multilateralism serves the global commons, but bilateralism is
pursued to increase trade, investment and security. They are not mutually
exclusive and, in fact, reinforce each other. In the current global scenario,
success lies in forging bilateral and regional ties, which, in turn, will equip
nations to meet the multilateral challenges.