Monday, November 23, 2009

Shree-Sharu Wedding-- November 22, 2009
The setting sun beyond the wide sea behind a flower decked podium on the beach cast a golden light over Sharu and Shree as they tied the knot, with a select audience of relatives and friends, who had gathered from different parts of the globe. Two days of feasting, dancing and merrymaking came to an end in Goa on November 22, 2009, leaving everyone nostalgic about a wedding to remember.
In a toast to the newly married couple, Minister Vayalar Ravi recalled how he had seen Shree grow up from infancy, together with his own three children. Minister of State for External Affairs, Shashi Tharoor, who had inadvertently brought the couple together, Shree as a campaigner and Sharu as a TV reporter, sent a message of greetings. The message, which was read out at the dinner by Shree’s brother, Sree, told much of the story of the meeting and romance of the young couple
"I am delighted that the elections of 2009 delivered at least one enduring result -- the marriage we are all celebrating this weekend. Politics, it is said, makes strange bedfellows, but it is a relief to say that it can make a suitable boy and girl come together as well. There is nothing strange about a smart young colleague and a bright and curious journalist finding each other amidst the hurly-burly of an election campaign -- they must have seen in each other a blissful escape from the maddening pressures and tensions of political competition that surrounded us all. Either that, or my campaign failed to capture their interest sufficiently to keep them away from each other!
"I am sorry I cannot be with Shree and Sharavati to raise a glass in celebration of their nuptials or to join in the good cheer that you must all be experiencing. But I am well represented by my mother and sister, and by the man who brought them together, Jacob Joseph, who is now my Officer on Special Duty. After all, what duty can be more special than the duty of connecting two hearts and souls? Whatever else Jacob does for me or my constituency cannot match this singular accomplishment.
"My best wishes to Shree and Sharavati for a joyous married life together. And one piece of advice -- stay away from politics after this. One life-changing campaign is enough for a lifetime!"
Among the other guests were Princess Aswathy Thirunal, Prince Rama Varma and his spouse, Girija and Prince Marthanda Varma, who is married to Shree’s cousin, Gopika, all from the Travancore royal family.
The wedding was an event to remember, for the couple, their parents and for the near and dear ones who came all the way to the golden beaches of Goa to participate in the festivities and to bless them.
The Goa event was hosted by Sharu’s parents, Gauri and Naimish Choksi. Shree’s parents, Lekha and T.P.Sreenivasan , will host a reception in Trivandrum to celebrate the wedding.


T.K. Vineeth said...

This is the most interesting review of a marriage I've ever read! My best wishes to the couple...

Meera's World said...

Is this Gopika,Gopika Gopal who studied in Cotton Hill school? She was so beautiful.
Best wishes to the couple.